Saturday, March 15, 2008

Stop Divorce, Save Marriage, Marriage Counseling Advice

Stop Divorce, Save Marriage, Marriage Counseling Advice: "Announcing a Powerful, Comprehensive System to Save Your Marriage

Nancy Wasson, Ph.D. -- Co-Author of 'Keep Your Marriage'
'You Can Stop Divorce, Avoid Heartbreak, and Save Your Marriage…It's Easier Than You Think!'
Get Immediate Help and Continuing Support INDEFINITELY!"

I Can Help You Stop Divorce and Save Your Marriage
For many years I’ve counseled so many spouses like you who’ve been in a similar predicament. And I’ve learned a lot from clients just like you about what works and what doesn’t work in trying to keep a marriage together.

If you're going to stop divorce, you need to:

Know that there's always hope that you can save your marriage,

Avoid doing what hurts your relationship,

Know what steps to take that have worked successfully for other couples, and

Take immediate action to stop the downward slide and start moving forward.
Besides my 25 years as a counselor, I think my personal experience also gives me credibility. Through the years, I've learned the hard way that "happily-ever-after" endings don't just happen and that I can't pin the blame for all marriage problems on my partner.

The truth is, my husband Lee and I sometimes do have disagreements that make us butt heads. But we’ve discovered that the quality of a marriage doesn’t depend on avoiding disagreement.

Instead the excellent quality of our marriage depends on being able to disagree without inflicting permanent damage to the relationship. And it depends on how we recover from conflict between us.

The good news for you is that it’s never too late to change and to decide to do a “makeover” project on yourself. As you change yourself, the ripple effect of the changes will be felt in your marriage and in every area of your life.

But you have to take the first step before anything different can happen. And I want you to have what Lee and I have found to be attainable -- a marriage of mutual respect, laughter, love and passion. A soul connection.

You can have it too. All you do is follow a simple system that I'll show you.

Keep Your Marriage: What to Do When Your Spouse Says
“ I don’t love you anymore!”
Risk Free With a 100% Money Back Guarantee

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